Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Problem With Censoring: Repost

The problem with censoring on Wattpad is, often essential ideas about the human condition are unable to be probably communicated in a proper way, and so communicating about topics like Cyber Sexuality are almost impossible do so without coming across as a condescending dick bag.

Because you're constantly trying to adjust words to be palatable to Wattpad staff, that has everything to gain in only allowing discussions of things like standard LGBT topics rather than non-LGBT sexualities like Cyber Sexuality.

Cyber Sexuality -- This is where one through gradual betraying of trust over the years, comes to prefer people in the inter webs and through people substitutes sexual interaction that is impossible through your meat--impossible to perform in person.

It's called a non-LGBT sexuality, because said condition is born out of abuse rather than as a by-product of birth. If you're one to even condone such practice as making trans people never born through pre transitioning.

In which case stop reading my blog now, cause you and I probably don't align in any of our opinions. There are an entire set of reasons this isn't a good idea, like science making a mistake and determining that kid really was meant to be born male and they designed they were female at birth, or in my own case vise versa.

Transition is something the individual must decide, not for science to decide on someone's behalf.

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