Saturday, August 20, 2016

Pro Death Penalty Is Pro Rape

Death Penalty Is Pro Rape

If we as a society executed a woman for poisoning a husband who was habitually having sex with her without her consent, and habitually beating her as well, then as society by decapitating her we are saying that we are essentially pro rape.

When you have Anna-Marie Boeglin, who was continuously raped by her father, and also gang raped by her brothers after being drugged with wine, we end up as a society saying--it's OK to decapitate you if you are raped. Luckily she ended up being acquitted, but not so for another case where the lady had merely attempted to kill her mother.

If you think this is an abnormal occurrence with whom is decapitated by guillotine, lets keep in mind that serial murder was not the regular occurrence in the 1800s. Most cases were like the above.

Also a note on Albert Camus.

Albert Camus also notes that most murders in France involved situations where the person has been inebriated with alcohol as well.

He actually makes an additional argument that is interested, that capital punishment is possibly the most pre-meditated of all the murders. That you will not find any other murderer who tells their victim a specific date they will be decapitated, and leave them to have this rummage in their thoughts.

The flaw in this argument is if the prisoner didn't know they were to be beheaded, and were blind folded before decapitation that it would ruin the argument moot.

Luckily he uses common sense, and remarks on deterrence as well.

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