I was trying to communicate how I can paradoxically have a kink for women being decapitated, while still also having empathy and sympathy for ones that are actually decapitated. People seem to have this idea that one can either dig something "nasty" and being cold blooded, or not dig something be literally the best thing since sliced bread.
But no there is a lot of moral gray, like for one I dig it when anime girls are sent to the guillotine. I also feel awful about them being guillotined. It's one of those things that had kind of emotionally fucked me over a lot of my life.
In the past I thought I liked dead girls, but no no I definitely like them alive. That's not really it, I just really really dig blood. I think it comes from the same place as people who find vampires hot.
Well vampire chicks guillotined ... well that would be ... over the top! I'll have it a little over the top, a little? Not a lot?
But I tried communicating that on twitter, and it ends up chopping up my phrases doing more than just decapitating them, but slicing them into powder and making you come across badly in the process.
Oh you bet my mom used to really kink shame me about it. Even asked me to chop her head off. Obviously I refused.
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