Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sure there isn't MPD,

But Katie is really really bad about switching between "I want to argue right now" mode and "salaam ben uda" meditation mode. You never really know what her temperament is going to be like.

I'm going to start going to coffee shops more just so I don't have to be around that. Tomorrow going to focus on typing my stories at Starbucks instead of at home as I need to.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

To those considering tutoring...

I have a very particular kind of mindset. I learn best after learning the basic vocabulary, having someone else if slightly higher skill actively communicating with me, and correcting me when I slip up. And I most definitely will.

Frankly I'm not even sure if there are forums to learn French, and the thing about Wattpad is some may know French but their humor is also very French.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Time Away From Katie

Do you realize how god damn relaxing that is? She likes to argue simply for sake for baiting you into an argument.

Monday, September 5, 2016

People Seem To

People seem to get this idea that just because England hung, drew, and quarter people that somehow makes The Guillotine more humane. Meanwhile the rest of Europe bans the death penalty.

Just So You Know

I'm not trying to creep you out when I say it. I just really get a lady erection when a cute brunette or blond wears birkenstocks. Dark brown as well.

The only exception is dark skinned Romanians. Those are the girls I want to have dirty bare feet.

For foot jobs obviously, what were you thinking?