Sunday, October 23, 2016

Use Wattpad, Avoid The French

Disclaimer: This discussion has been worth having since I started having issues with the French, and not for the Far Right conservative reasons. Before acting like a projecting shit bag, keep in mind this mainly has to do with French-Americans, French-Canadians, et actual French who inhabit the Wattpad social sphere. Don’t assume I’m talking about anyone outside of this sphere unless I say otherwise. This will save you heart ache and misunderstanding. If you choose to read it anyway, it’s not my fault your feelings are hurt.

If I seemed pissed off, keep in mind I’ve been living with an actual Francophobe projecting their problems onto me for the last ten months.

I was working on The Incarnations Of Hemato Tomato And Anna-Marie. At the time I was experiencing some unresolved negative feelings about French girls based on my experiences with girls from the fifth grade. Though now I understand why the girl said it, she could have saved a lot of words by just saying I was ugly-cute. But the thing about French people et English, even if they learn English the tendency to be wordy doesn’t really melt away. For this as the context, let go into my experience with Wattpad.

Wattpad lately has become like Tumblr. You know what I mean, for anyone that has used Tumblr for any extensive amount of time. For example SJWs that are just as racist and bigoted as the people they fight against. Things like saying eating Chinese food is racist, ou that Trans women can’t be raped, only sexually assaulted. The list goes on in the Tumblr sphere. I don’t really use it that much largely do to this toxic environment. Wattpad has become increasingly like this, et en fact the moderators have the same kind of Laissez-Fair approach to general SJW hypocrisy.

It is in this environment, just like that one writing board I left a long time ago, that I was offered help by a French girl for researching for my novel. Anyone who knows the French, knows they’ll never fulfill a contract if there is one written. And when their is, don’t ever expect to here back from them. Wattpad makes this interaction even worse: not only is there an influx of French speaking people, again nothing wrong with the French language--bare this in mind, but Private Messages aren’t even time stamped.

This leads to misunderstandings if you send a lot of messages with over 24 hours in between them. But you still get treated like you’re spamming them with messages. If there was a rule in the amount of messages to send, this sure as hell wasn’t written in their terms of service. The user base is horrible: they might go without talking to you for a month, and even if you only send messages once a week you they dump a landfill on you by suddenly saying They lost someone they loved, so please “be comprehensible.”

Please understand, if you don’t want to help me whenever I ask, if you don’t want me liking you as an individual, then please don’t offer to help me. I can help myself about things, as I certainly would let YOU know if I’m going to be gone for a month do to an unexpected family situation. This is basic Social 101. You bet I wouldn’t be sending you messages in this time, how many Tumblr people can you name that I “spam” messages to on Tumblr?

Exactly, not a single one.

And yet it is in this environment, inflated with French people, of a very French-American kind of culture with their sense of personal entitlement that causes misunderstandings about things. There is a time to “Flirt like a French girl.” That time isn’t when you help someone research a book. Particularly in text form, this can be easily misinterpreted as genuine feeling for someone.

I think when I move to France, I think I may only hire Belgians and Luxemborgish people. At least maybe they might have a little bit of common sense when interacting with an author.

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